Friday, August 17, 2007

The Celebration

Dear readers,

Today our company celebrated our 5 year anniversary. Our team thought it would be great to share this with my Blog readers. The following is a letter that I read to our NetStreams team, at our celebration today.


To the NetStreams Team,

Today we celebrate two significant milestones – the anniversary of the Company, and the anniversary of our Startup Team. It is not often in life when we can stand back to look at an accomplishment and say, “If I had to do it all over again, I would do it again with the same team”. As I think about the things that I would change if I had to do it all over again, to achieve a better outcome for this Company, the one thing that I would do exactly the same, is to hire the same startup team. The accomplishment want to highlight for a moment is – the building of the foundation that allowed our beloved Company – NetStreams, to reach its five year milestone; one that most startups never get to see.

The Startup Team (2002)

Mike Braithwaite
Paul Bryson
Kirk Prisock
Buzz Goddard
Tim Burks
Bill Levene
Peter Radekevich
Dan McGauley

As I stand back today looking at five years of this Company’s history, the many trials and tribulations, challenges and achievements; the stressful times, the sad times, and the happy times, which of course outweigh the bad times, it is easy to see now what has shaped this Company’s culture. So what allowed us to get to where we are today? – It was our passion and love for what we do, our unshakable faith – knowing that we were the team to do it, our tenacity and courage – which never allowed us to throw in the towel when times got tough, and our commitment to change an industry by changing the rules with compelling products and technology that solve real problems and bring joy to people’s lives.

What is music to me? It was one of the first things that brought joy to my life and wooed me to fall asleep as a baby. It is the element that stirs my memories and has left markers at some critical, and some not so critical junctures in my life. It is fuel to my inspiration and joy to my soul. It moves me and it makes me move. But as life gets busy and time speeds up, we often forget much of the music and the impact it had on us.

So, ‘who’ is NetStreams to me? It is the Company that developed the products that made me ‘fall in love with my music all over again’. Soon, NetStreams will do the same for our movies and videos. ‘What’ is NetStreams? It is a team of spectacular people with a diverse set of skills, every one of which is needed in order to accomplish this most important mission – helping people re-discover their First love – Music.
Thank you all for being part of our NetStreams team.


Over the last 5 years, NetStreams has experienced an overwhelming amount of growth and has seen a lot of changes, both inside and outside of the company. We now ship into 45 countries around the world, and continue to lead the industry in IP-Based audio, video distribution products and control. It takes great people to build a great company, we have that here.

I’d like to thank our customers out there for being a part of our success. If you are one of them, and would like to share some thoughts, feel free to drop me a note.

Herman Cardenas

If my blog has been helpful to you in any way, or if you have any comments or questions, please drop me a note. I would love to hear from you:


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 5 Years!

srikanth said...

Good i am a home theater specalist in visakapatnam india. Currently I am doing two projects in netstreams. It is a very good prodect but i am not geting few pordects like back boxes it is giving me a lot of problem.

Dan Sandoval said...

On behalf of RDA Consulting in Las Cruces, New Mexico, I would like to Congratulate you, Herman, and your Netstream team in Celebrating your 5 year Anniversary. We look forward to celebrating your Anniversary this weekend at our "Open House" event in Las Cruces. Additionally, we look forward to our continued collaboration in business projects.

Dan Sandoval
RDA Consulting

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to you all!

keep upthe good works and hope we grow with you into the next 5(0) years.

Ben de Jonge
CiC team
Distributor the Netherlands

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I hatched DistinctAV in 2002 and my first audio system was a Musica rev 0.000000144 :-) You've come a long way! We've integrated the DigiLinx into our Smart Home designs and can control every aspect of it beautifully via IP. Very sweeeeet!